Recensione: FOALS – Everything Not Saved Will Be – Lost Part 1

Recensione: FOALS – Everything Not Saved Will Be –  Lost Part 1

 “Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1” è un disco progetto fatto di due parti, una uscita ora e l’altra prevista entro la fine dell’anno.

Ancora una volta il mondo sonoro dei Foals viene attraversato da svariate sfumature che vanno dal post-punk, all’indie rock il tutto con continue venature elettroniche e synth-pop.

Tutto ciò che non verrà salvato andrà perso ! Risuona come un avvertimento, come un apocalittico monito rivolto alla nostra società, al nostro modo di vivere e alle molteplici minacce alla natura e all’esistenza umana a cui quotidianamente siamo esposti. 

“Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost” è un disco da ascoltare tutto in un blocco. Ha un suo flusso magnetico, uno suo sviluppo sia musicale sia lirico. 
Si va dalla malinconica traccia iniziale “Moonlight”,  si prosegue con “Exit” , dove si riconosce in pieno il talento dei Foals, per poi cadere con la faccia nei ritmi irti del labirinto di “White Onions” e trovarsi quasi disorientati nella elettrodance stile LCD Soundsystem di “In Degrees”.

L’oscurità e tensione lirica prosegue subito nella ossessiva “Syrups”.
La poliedricità e la voglia di sperimentare di Yannis Philippakis e soci si vede tutta nella strampalata “Cafe D’Athens” un esercizio stilistico dal retro gusto alla Talking Heads, fatto di computer, marimba, xilofono e vibrafono . La sperimentazione prosegue nella strumentale con “Surf Pt.1” quasi un omaggio a Sakamoto.  La Part-1 del disco si chiude con “Sunday” e “I’m Done With The World (& It’s Done With Me)”,  la prima epica e di rinascita, mentre la seconda, con un pianoforte sereno e malinconico, offre immagini liriche apocalittiche, fatte di volpi morte in giardino, siepi ardenti e una figlia addormentata,  in una continua ricerca di dare un senso a un pianeta ormai fuori controllo e in preda al panico. 

Appetito stimolato. Adesso attendiamo la Part-2.

Score:  7,25

Tre brani da ascoltare subito: Exits – In Degrees – Sunday


Now the sea eats the sky
But they say it’s a lie
There’s no birds left to fly
We’ll hide out
Oh, the weather’s against us
Houses underground
The flowers upside down
In our dreams
In the eye of the storm
The land where you were born
Try to make no sound
We hide out
‘Cause they watch us in sleep
The language that we speak
And the secrets that we keep

In our dreams, in our dreams, in our dreams
In our dreams, in our dreams, in our dreams

I said I’m so sorry
To have kept you waiting around
I wish I could’ve come up
I could’ve shouted out loud
They got exits covered
All the exits underground
I wish I could figure it out
But the world’s upside down
In a world upside down

We’re caught up in silence
I lose you in degrees
See you through the glass doors

I’ve looked all up and down now
I lose you in degrees
Come back around my way again
See me if you please
I’m tongue tied in silence
My words lost on the breeze
Caught up in your orbit still
Release me if you please

I lose you in degrees
Don’t leave me on my knees
I lose you in degrees
Don’t leave me on my knees
I lose you in degrees
Don’t leave me on my knees
I lose you in degrees
Don’t leave me on my knees

I saw the black rain pouring
A lost love on display
Bit by bit and day by day
I know we’ve lost our way
And I hear your final footsteps
I’ve lost you by degrees
Pressed up to the glass door
I couldn’t watch you leave
(In Degrees)

Wrap me up in goodbyes
Old Sargasso sky
‘Cause I’m about to take flight
Please don’t ask me why
If the devil wants me
Tell him I got high
‘Cause life is what you make it
You got yours and I got mine

When the end comes my way
Will I drop to my knees and pray?
And if my parents ask you
Tell them I’ll be okay

And now the robots have made the rounds
Sand dunes filled up all our towns
The foxes howl and the creepers prowl around
The peeling wet bricks of London town
Foxes howl and the way men cower
Won’t you find a way for me somehow?
So let’s get dirt on an Oxford shirt
Throw a party so we won’t get hurt
See you frown through your evening gown

The fox is dead in the garden
The hedges are on fire in the country lanes
And all I want to do is get out of the rain
An autumn day, an autumn day
My daughter’s asleep in the garden
The leaves are on fire in the country lanes
And all I want to do is get out of the rain
On an autumn day, on an autumn day

I’m done with the world and it’s done with me
All I wanna do is get up and leave
Sun falls into the garden
I’m on my knees
(I’m Done With The World (& It’s Done With Me)


1. Moonlight
2. Exits
3. White Onions
4. In Degrees
5. Syrups
6. On The Luna
7. Cafe D’Athens
8. Surf Pt.1
9. Sunday
10. I’m Done With The World (& It’s Done With Me)


2008 – Antidotes
2010 – Total Life Forever
2013 – Holy Fire
2015 – What Went Down
2019 – Part 1 – Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost

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