SPARKS ascolta il nuovo singolo “Self-Effacing”

SPARKS ascolta il nuovo singolo “Self-Effacing”

Gli Sparks, Ron e Russell Mael, pubblicano il brano “Self-Effacing” estratto dal nuovo album A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip in uscita il 15 maggio.

…the Mael Brothers are proving that five decades into their careers the best may still be ahead of them” Huck


La tracklist di A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip, registrato a Los Angeles, include anche il brano “Please Don’t Fuck Up My World”, pubblicato a dicembre.

01         All That
02         I’m Toast
03         Lawnmower
04         Sainthood Is Not In Your Future
05         Pacific Standard Time
06         Stravinsky’s Only Hit
07         Left Out In The Cold 
08         Self-Effacing
09         One For The Ages
10         Onomato Pia 
11         iPhone
12         The Existential Threat
13         Nothing Travel Faster Than The Speed Of Light
14         Please Don’t Fuck Up My World

A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip sarà disponibile in diversi formati: CD, vinile illustrato e cassetta.


Ad ottobre, gli Sparks partiranno insieme alla loro band per un breve tour che precederà la lunga serie di date che li porterà in giro per il mondo nel 2021. Verranno pubblicati anche il film musical Annette scritto dagli Sparks e diretto da Leos Carax (Holy Motors) e che avrà come protagonisti con Adam Driver e Marion Cotillard e il documentario sugli Sparks diretto da Edgar Wright (Baby Driver, Spaced).
 Sparks in tour in Europa ad ottobre:
Sunday 11                       Norway, Oslo, Rockefeller Music Hall
Monday 12                     Sweden, Stockholm, Cirkus
Wednesday 14               Denmark, Copenhagen, The Koncerthuset
Thursday 15                   Germany, Berlin, Metropol      
Saturday 17                    Netherlands, Amsterdam, Paradiso
Sunday 18                       Belgium, Brussels, AB Flex
Tuesday 20                     France, Paris, Casino de Paris
Wednesday 21               UK, London, Roundhouse
Friday 23                        UK, Manchester, Albert Hall (SOLD OUT)
Saturday 24                    UK, Glasgow, The Barrowland Ballroom
Monday 26                     UK, Belfast, Limelight Club
Tuesday 27                     IRE, Dublin, Vicar Street


I’m not the guy who says,
“I’m the guy”
Always been Self-Effacing
I’m in the room
You won’t see me soon
Always been Self-Effacing
Compliments come but
My rule of thumb is
Under duress say
All my success is
All due to them on
Them I depend
And I’m Self-Effacing
And I’m Self-Effacing
My resume is dull and it’s gray
Always been Self-Effacing
Want to be known as someone unknown
Always been Self-Effacing
Why can’t I pose, wear flashier clothes,
Inflate who I am, a little flim flam
Referring to me, I’m third person me
And I’m Self-Effacing, and I’m Self-Effacing
Thank you, but I don’t merit your praise
Thank you, but I don’t merit your gaze
Thank you, but I’m not up to the task
Thank you, but I don’t know why you’ve asked
And I’m Self-Effacing
And I’m Self-Effacing
Close to the vest is what I do best
They’ll attest, Self-Effacing
My DNA just won’t go away
I remain Self-Effacing
I don’t deserve
First, second, or third
A great deal less
I have to confess
My trophy room’s bare
But why should I care
And I’m Self-Effacing
And I’m Self-Effacing
Thank you, but I had help to prepare
Thank you, but I was told what to wear
Thank you, but Autotune has been used
Used and perhaps a trifle abused
And I’m Self-Effacing
And I’m Self-Effacing
Why can’t I preen, be part of the scene
Berate those around and act like the clown
Guest DJ a bit, sardonic in wit
‘Cause I’m Self-Effacing
It’s not a choice, I’m less a Rolls Royce
And more minivan, you do understand
We’re tight, me and you
See things as we do
We’re both Self-Effacing
And I’m Self-Effacing

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